design software

The design software helps the definitions of the main characteristics of the prototipes. The actual system consist into a different softwares each one for a different purpose, following the lists: Document Name Status Version Comment
NS000 Programs and document managements software not started / to do!
NS001 General design software not started / to do!
NS002 Contact area design software on test 0.1


NS003 Coil design software running 0.4  
NS004 Reluctance calculus software on test 0.0  
NS005 Empiric relative permeability law deductions software running 0.1  

NS000 - Programs and document managements software



NS001 - General design software



NS002 - Contact area design software

This software was developed to help the designer to fix the bottom dimension of the electromagnet, starting from the tear off force needed at 0 air gap between the magnet and the material to be lifted and the maximum dimension of the electromagnet, we calculate the polar expansions dimensions and provide of the example drawing to have a visual idea of what just designed. After that you can choose to redefine some general data and if whises, it's possible to print a report with all the data.

Contact area design software screenshot


NS003 - Coil design software

The coil design software it's a tool to define the coil dimension according some gernal given data.

This software let you decide how many AmpTurn you prefer to have on the coil and also you can choose between alluminium and copper as coil material.

Coil design software screenshot


NS004 - Reluctance calculus software



NS005 - Empiric relative permeability law deductions software

This software do it a mathematical-statistical evaluation of the relative permeability law and provide some particular data to be simply integrable and generally used.

Mainly you need to insert the data from the test you have done for the material that you wish to use for the magnet.
It's possible to save the data list for each material.

On the right side of the window programs you can see the graphical view of the interpolation of the data.

Empiric relative permeability law deductions software screenshot